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Tri-State is a Youth camp that provides both recreational fun and Biblical instruction every summer for one week.  Here is a link to our brochure, and below you will find our doctrinal statement.



Doctrinal Statement:


We believe the Bible to be the inspired, the only infallible, authoritative Word of God.


• We believe that there is one God, eternally existent in three persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.


• We believe in the deity of the Lord Jesus Christ, in the conception of His body by the Holy Spirit and His birth by the virgin Mary, in His sinless life, in His miracles, in His vicarious and atoning death, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father, and in His personal return in power and glory.


• We believe that salvation is wholly of grace, but conditioned solely on repentance toward God and acceptance of Christ by faith. When the sinner has met these requirements, God justifies and regenerates him. Justification is a judicial act absolving from punishment and restoring to divine favor. Regeneration is the impartation of divine life effecting a change in the believer’s nature. By the operation of the Holy Spirit through the Word he is given a disposition to obey God. This experience is witnessed to by the Holy Spirit.


• We believe in the power and presence of the Holy Spirit, that He personally dwells within and guides those who are true believers, and empowers them for service, giving to them various gifts and producing within their lives the fruits of Christian Character. We believe that all believers the moment they are regenerated are simultaneously baptized by the Holy Spirit into Christ and also at that moment He comes to dwell within the believer. The filling of the Holy Spirit should be a continuous and repeated action.


• Sanctification is that work of grace begun by the Holy Spirit at the moment of regeneration and continues progressively until physical death. We believe the old nature is not eradicated until after death, but that we must constantly guard against its influence in our lives.


• We believe that at the return of the Lord, the bodies of the righteous dead will be raised and the living believers will be changed so that both will have literal, spiritual, and immortal bodies like unto Christ’s own glorious body.


• We believe that man was created by God and not by any accidental or spontaneous or self-propagated occurrence, action, method, or process; that he was created in the image and likeness of God, possessing personality and holiness, and that he is a free moral agent possessing the power of choice, and that the purpose of his creation was to glorify God. We believe the Biblical teaching about the fall of man and that because of his fall, death passed upon all men and sin entered into the world therefore, condemnation rests upon each person who has reached the age and development with which comes account-ability before God and he is forever lost, except he be born again.


• We believe in the oneness of the church of Christ, composed of all Spirit-regenerated believers, and that these believers both living and dead, shall be caught up together at His Second Coming.


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